Basic Data
- Name: Federal Republic of Germany
- Area: 357 121 km2
- Population: 80 219 695 inhabitants
- Capital: Berlin, 3 375 222 inhabitants
- Official Language: German
- Currency: Euro
- Time zone: GMT + 1, GMT + 2 (April - September)
- Neighbouring countries: Poland, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Austria
- Other important cities: Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg, Dusseldorf, Hannover, Stuttgart
- Climate: Mild and humid, average temperatures in summer between 12°C and 24°C, in winter between 5°C and -5°C
- Insurance: Visitors should take out insurance in their country before travelling to Germany
- Public Holidays:
- Wednesday, January 1th - Neujahr (New Year Day)
- Thursday, April 18th - Karfreitag (Good Friday)
- Sunday, April 20th - Ostersonntag (Easter)
- Monday, April 21th - Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
- Thursday, May 1th - Tag der Arbeit (Worker’s day)
- Thursday, May 29th - Christi Himmelfahrt (Whit Thursday)
- Sunday, June 8th - Pfingstsonntag (Whitsunday)
- Monday, June 9th - Pfingstmontag (Whit Monday)
- Friday, October 3th - Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of the German Unity)
- Thursday, December 25th - Weihnachtstag (Christmas)
- Friday, December 26th - Weihnachtstag (Christmas)
- Telephone: The dialing code for Germany from abroad +49, Berlin +30, international calls from Germany : 00 + country code + area code + phone number
- Voltage: 220 volts
- Typical products and souvenirs: Traditional handscraft products according to the región, Meissen Porcelan, Cucú watches from the Black Forest, Loden Bavarian cloth, beer, glass and others
- Distances between Vienna and other european cities:
- Berlin - Vienna (Austria) : 685 km
- Berlin - Prague (Czech Republic) : 390 km
- Berlin - Warsaw (Poland) : 571 km
- Berlin - Brussels (Belgium) : 763 km
- Berlin - Bern (Switzerland) : 957 km
- Berlin - Copenhagen (Denmark) : 438 km
- Berlin - Amsterdam (Holland) : 654 km
- Speed limits: In urban areas 50 km/h, out of urban areas: 100 km/h, recommended speed on highways 130 km/h h
- The permissible blood alcohol level for drivers: 0,5 BAC
- Passports and visas: A valid passport ie required to travel to Germany and a Schengen group visa for citizens of those countries that need visa to travel to the Schengen group countries.
- Public transport in Berlin: The public transportation system in Berlin is formed by the subway (U-Bahn), suburban train (S-Bahn), trams and buses.